New Entries/Amendments for 2003-Jun-10.html

======= Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 18:33:27 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	四当五落
(headw2)	4当5落
(kana1)	よんとうごらく
(pos)	proverb
(english1)	four-pass, five fail
(english2)	sleep four hours pass, sleep five hours fail
(reference)	What most distinguishes Japanese universities from the foreign universities is the difficulty of their entrance examination. At one time, there was a saying "Yontou-goraku (four-pass, five-fail)" are used widely. It is a warning that anyone getting more than five hours of sleep a night will fail the university entrance examinations.
(comment)	I was surprised these famous words weren't in wwwjdic. Although strictly speaking they are not one word, I thought it would be useful that they are in the dictionary.
(name)	James Fell