New Entries/Amendments for 2003-Dec-15.html

======= Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 06:53:16 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	中産階級
(kana1)	ちゅうさんかいきゅう
(english1)	middle class
(comment)	I dont know wheather there are some special pequliarities to the japanese way of viewing classes, but atleast in the english language bourgeoisie and 
middle class are definitly not the same. The bourgeoisie is the propriated class that exploits the working class while the middle class is a device 
to deny that there is a difference in class between intellectual and manual labour. By no definition can the middle class include the 
bourgeosie because what then would it be i the middle of? Juding from the japanese word i would say that the correct translation would 
be middle class and that the "bourgeoisie" part should be stricken from the dictionary.