New Entries/Amendments for 2004-Jan-19.html

======= Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 23:49:45 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	謝する
(kana1)	しゃする
(pos)	vs-s
(english1)	to apologize
(english2)	to thank
(english3)	to say farewell; to retreat; to retire
(english4)	to refuse;
(english5)	to pay back; to setlle old scores
(reference)	「悪かった事はあっさり認めて、謝るに限る」 南博 (1953:4) 『日本人の心理』
(comment)	Came across 謝る as "to apologize" which lacked in Edict; 
looking things up I noticed other meanings as well (GOO, 
kenkyusha, 広辞苑). Compare "to pay back; to setlle old scores" with 報いる。恨みを晴らす。in 広辞苑 and the ex sentence link in Edict 彼は父の死の恨みを晴らした。  [T]
He revenged his father's death.
I did nothing with the 謝る 謝する variation.
(name)	k.p.boomsma