New Entries/Amendments for 2004-Sep-12.html

======= Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 08:54:10 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	住宅
(kana1)	じゅうたく
(comment)	Is definition "resident; housing" a mistake for "residence; housing"?  Example sentences and my dictionary don't support "resident." 
(name)	Fritz
======= Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 11:47:45 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	社会人
(kana1)	しゃかいじん
(pos)	noun
(english1)	upstanding member of society, office worker
(reference)	Excerpts from email:
 たかえ: 私は24歳の社会人です。
   (this didn't make much sense to me... hence my question)
 ラヤン: 社会人ですか?あれはいい人ですか?
 たかえ: 社会人はOffice workerの事です
(comment)	This amendment is to add the meaning "office worker" to this entry.
This meaning makes since when examining the kanji used (office-join-person), but with just looking at the word in the dictionary without knowing the kanji, you wouldn't know that. :)
(name)	Ryan Pessa