New Entries/Amendments for 2005-Jun-10.html

======= Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 10:45:04 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	西武
(kana1)	せいぶ
(pos)	First Meaning - Proper Name; second Meaning - Noun
(english1)	Name of a department store chain
(english2)	Western military
(reference) - 西武鉄道、4常務ら役員7人退任 「人心一新」へ
(comment)	The Asahi Shimbun story (in the link) and the headline from that story (pasted behind the link) refer to the Seibu conglomerate, which owns the Seiyu department stores, a railroad, and the Seibu Lions baseball team.  The second meaning ("Western Military") is the meaning currently in your database
(name)	Paul Carr
======= Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 15:17:01 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ぽん
(kana1)	若
(pos)	noun
(english1)	Young Master
(reference)	From the online novel Psycho Blast by TOD (female)...."若...こんなところで寝ていては風邪をひきますよ" Seen in many mangas as well, like Kizuna.
(comment)	Say there's a man who has people working for him in his household, like maids, a bodyguard, etc. They are to refur to the boss's son as "Bon."
(name)	Allaiyah Weyn
======= Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 23:15:50 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	実網
(kana2)	じつもう
(kana3)	じつあみ
(english1)	physical (telephone) network
(english2)	actual net
(reference)	Phone network:
Fishing net:
(comment)	This is probably considered technical jargon that your average person doesn't know...  I'm told that when relating to a phone/computer network it would be pronounced jitsumou. When referring to a fishing net, it would be pronounced jitsuami.
(name)	Mike Chachich