New Entries/Amendments for 2005-Jul-16.html

======= Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 08:38:38 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	本艦
(kana1)	ほんかん
(pos)	noun
(english1)	this (battle)ship
(reference)	無傷で終戦を迎えた艦は航空母艦では本艦だけだった。
Among the aircraft carriers, this ship was the only one to survive the war.
(From the Japanese Wikipedia article on the aircraft carrier Hosho)
(comment)	This word does not mean "mothership" as currently indicated, that would instead be 母艦 or 母船 which are also in the dictionary.
The proper meaning of 本艦 is analogous to 本校 or 本署, meaning "our ship", "the ship I'm on", "this ship", "the aforementioned ship".