New Entries/Amendments for 2005-Dec-19.html

======= Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 01:29:07 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	雑種
(kana1)	ざっしゅ
(pos1)	n
(english1)	hybrid
(english2)	crossbreed
(english3)	mongrel
(comment)	Suggest adding crossbreed and mongrel.  
(Existing example 
This dog is a mongrel.
features mongrel as a 訳語).
It appears 駄犬 counts as (vulg) and isn't something you'd want to call you're own pet while 雑種 is more acceptable.
(name)	Paul Blay
======= Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:04:08 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	ボーリング
(pos1)	n
(comment)	The current English meanings are fine, but they should be separated be (1), (2) and (3), since they are each unique definitions.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:22:15 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	注意所
(kana1)	ちゅういしょ
(pos1)	n
(english1)	advisory, notice, warning
(comment)	These are in addition to the currect meaning listed.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:28:28 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	せん馬
(headw2)	騸馬
(kana1)	せんば
(pos1)	n
(english1)	gelding (castrated horse)
(name)	Paul Blay