New Entries/Amendments for 2006-Jan-29.html

======= Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 17:54:24 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	御目出糖
(kana1)	おめでとう
(pos1)	n
(misc1)	uK
(english1)	Japanese sweets made with glutinous rice and azuki bean paste
(reference)	It was the first entry on "omedetou" in my denshi jisho and it gets around 260 hits on google. I don't know the name of the jisho but it's a SEIKO. 菓子の名。蒸した糯米(もちごめ)を乾かして炒ったものに糖液と赤い食用色素を加え、小豆(あずき)の甘納豆をまぜて赤飯にナゾラレル擬し、出産・結婚・祝儀に配るもの。
(name)	Marcus Richert
======= Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 20:12:36 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	邪馬台国
(headw2)	耶馬台国
(kana1)	やまたいこく
(kana2)	やばたいこく
(pos1)	n
(misc1)	arch
(english1)	Yamataikoku
(english2)	(Japanese history) a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko (卑弥呼) in the third century AD
(comment)	There is an 邪馬台国 entry in enamdic but it just gives Yamataikoku and (u).  I also wasn't sure whether you can 'ammend submit' for enamdic entries.
(name)	Paul Blay
======= Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:57:59 +1100 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	約数
(kana1)	やくすう
(pos1)	n
(english1)	measure
(english2)	divisor
Among the divisors of 90 how many numbers are not divisible by 9?
(comment)	Suggest add meaning of "divisor"
(name)	Paul Blay