New Entries/Amendments for 2006-Apr-10.html

======= Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:34:19 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	費える
(kana1)	ついえる
(pos1)	v1
(english1)	to be wasted
(reference)	See e.g. GG5, glossed "be wasted", and 大辞林, glossed "(1) 金銭が消費されて乏しくなる。へる。(2) むだに時が過ぎる。"
(comment)	費える is currently present in the dictionary as an alternative headword for 潰える.  The present entry does not contain any meanings that cover the normal use of 費える.
The proposed amendment is to split the entry, leaving 潰える as it is and creating a new entry for 費える along these lines.
I suggest splitting, rather than adding an additional meaning to the existing entry, on the grounds that the distinction between the two forms seems to be marked and consistent: this is supported by both the dictionaries cited above.
(name)	Peter Jolly
======= Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 18:50:45 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ロムる
(kana1)	ろむる
(pos1)	v5r
(english1)	To read a forum/chat without posting a message; to "lurk" (from ロム:ROM, Read-Only Member)
(reference)	電車男, and various sources on the internet.  From one of those sites: "ROM/ロム: ロムる,ロムします. リード オンリー メンバーの略。参加せずにみているだけの人を指す言葉。"
(comment)	An interesting one for you today (^_^) I also suggest adding to the entry for ロム, however I won't be submitting a request for that one.
(name)	James MacWhyte