New Entries/Amendments for 2006-May-4.html

======= Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 02:03:56 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	破鍋に綴蓋
(kana1)	われなべにとじぶた
(pos1)	n
(english1)	There is a suitable spouse for everyone (lit., a mended lid for a cracked pot)
(reference)	広辞苑
======= Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 03:26:08 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	西洋崇拝主義
(kana1)	せいようすうはいしゅぎ
(pos1)	n
(english1)	worship or admiration of Western cultures
(comment)	Peter Payne used this term in his regular newsletter to customers, and I thought it belonged in JDICT.
(name)	Karen J. Lowe
======= Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 06:29:03 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	誤認識
(kana1)	ごにんしき
(pos1)	n
(pos2)	vs
(english1)	misrecognition; mistaking (x for y); 
(comment)	You already have 誤認 which is an abbreviation for this word.
(name)	Mike Chachich
======= Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 11:36:55 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	あんさん
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(ksb:) you
(reference) yeah, it says 死語, but I was called this just the other day, so it's still relevant.