New Entries/Amendments for 2006-Jul-20.html

======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:42:19 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	検討
(kana1)	けんとう
(pos1)	n
(pos3)	vs
(english1)	consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion
(reference)	検討 【けんとう】 (n,vs) consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; (P)  [V][Ex][G][GI][S] 
(comment)	Added "discussion"
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:45:34 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	江藤隆美
(kana1)	えとうたかみ
(pos1)	n
(english1)	Eto Takami (1925.4-) (h) NA
Earlier on Friday, Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama reprimanded Takami Eto, Management and Coordination Agency Minister.
(comment)	Edict now has Etou, but Eto is the standard translation.
The POS should be proper noun, but I couldn't find it in the list.
(name)	Francis Bond
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:45:35 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	提出
(kana1)	ていしゅつ
(pos1)	n
(pos3)	vs
(english1)	(1) presentation; submission; filing;
(english2)	(2) to present; to submit (e.g., a report or a thesis); to hand in; to file; to turn in;
(crossref)	出す (3)
(reference)	提出 【ていしゅつ】 (n,vs) presentation; submission; filing; (P)  [V][Ex][G][GI][S] 
(comment)	Added 2nd sense for (vs)
Added Cross-Reference
I am always fascinated (??perplexed??) by the relationship between (generally) spoken verbs and (generally) written する verbs.  I have tried to find a dictionary or reference that gives these, but I haven't had any success.  Suggestions?
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:48:28 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	厳重注意
(kana1)	げんじゅうちゅうい
(pos1)	n
(english1)	reprimand
(reference)	河野外相、訪韓を断念−−江藤隆美長官への「厳重注意」、韓国は「不十分」と猛反発
Foreign Minister Kono abandons visit to Korea --- Korea angrily 
rejects the reprimand to Secretary Eto Takami as insufficient.
(name)	Francis Bond
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:51:16 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	提出期限
(kana1)	ていしゅつきげん
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(submission) deadline
(reference)	提出期限 【ていしゅつきげん】 (n) deadline [Ex][G][GI][S] 
(comment)	Added "(submission)" to English meaning
This is to avoid confusion with 〆切り et al.
"deadline (for submission)" would also work of course.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:14:12 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	捕らぬ狸の皮算用
(kana1)	とらぬたぬきのかわざんよう
(pos1)	n
(comment)	捕らぬ狸の皮算用 【とらぬたぬきのかわざんよう】 (exp) don't count your chickens before they're hatched 
I'm sorry but I find this expression terribly interesting and hence worthy of a brief explanatory note; never mind the translation is "spot on".
(name)	Dennis
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:49:57 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	電源装置
(kana1)	でんげんそうち
(pos1)	n
(english1)	power supply (device)
(reference)	ALC; Google
(comment)	Edict has "power supply" as an abstract concept (電源供給, 電力供給), but not as a piece of equipment.
(name)	Fritz
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:03:18 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	針
(kana1)	はり
(pos1)	n
(english1)	needle; fish hook; pointer; hand (e.g., clock); staple (for a stapler)
(reference)	針 【はり】 (n) needle; fish hook; pointer; hand (e.g., clock); (P) [Ex][G][GI][S] 
(comment)	Added "staple (for a stapler)"
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:08:36 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ホッチキス針
(headw2)	ホチキス針
(kana1)	ホッチキスはり
(kana2)	ホチキスはり
(pos1)	n
(english1)	staple (for a stapler)
(crossref)	針
(comment)	There is also しん and たま, although 針 is the most frequent of the three.  I am looking for the appropriate kanji and usages now.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:12:08 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ホッチキス玉
(headw2)	ホチキス玉
(kana1)	ホッチキスたま
(kana2)	ホチキスたま
(pos1)	n
(english1)	staple (for a stapler)
(crossref)	針、ホッチキス針、玉
(comment)	Not sure how to list multiple Cross-References.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:14:10 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	玉
(kana1)	たま
(kana2)	だま
(pos1)	n
(pos3)	n-suf
(english1)	ball; sphere; coin; staple (for a stapler)
(crossref)	ホッチキス玉
(reference)	玉 【たま(P); だま】 (n,n-suf) ball; sphere; coin; (P) [Ex][G][GI][S] 
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:22:15 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ホッチキス芯
(headw2)	ホチキス芯
(kana1)	ホッチキスしん
(kana2)	ホチキスしん
(pos1)	n
(english1)	staple (for a stapler)
(crossref)	芯、玉、針、ホッチキス玉、ホッチキス針
(comment)	This may be originally 関西弁, but I don't have the resources at the moment to determine if that is the case or not.  This is the least used of the three common names for a staple, but it is still pretty widely known.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:30:31 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	心
(headw2)	芯
(kana1)	しん
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(apple) core; heart; (candle) wick; marrow; staple (for stapler); (pencil) lead; stuffing, pith
(crossref)	ホッチキス芯
(reference)	心(P); 芯(P) 【しん】 (n) core; heart; wick; marrow; (P) [Ex][Ex][G][GI][S] [G][GI][S] 
(comment)	I think the Headword and Alternate Headword should probably be swapped because of their frequency of use.
Numerous changes to English meaning(s)
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 16:49:48 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	シークワーシャー
(headw2)	シクワーシャー
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(Citrus depressa Hayata); flat lemon; hirami lemon; thin-skinned flat lemon; shekwasha; Taiwan tangerine
(crossref)	ヒラミレモン
and many others....
(comment)	Citrus fruit most common in Okinawa (actually a variety of Mandarin orange) and Taiwan. 
May contain a compound useful in treating gastric cancer.
Samll, green and very sour.  Often used more as a garnish.A yellow juice is also made from it, but I can't find much information; so I am guessing that it is more popular in Taiwan than Okinawa.
Sometimes incorrectly translated into English as calamansi.
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 16:55:49 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	ヒラミレモン
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(Citrus Depressa) Hirami Lemon
(crossref)	シークワーサー
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 17:40:44 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	ばりばり
(headw2)	バリバリ
(pos1)	adj-na
(pos2)	n
(pos3)	adv
(english1)	tearing; crunching (sound); work hard; actively
(reference)	ばりばり (adj-na,adv,n) tearing; crunching (sound); work hard; actively [G][GI][S] 
(comment)	Added Alternate Headword.  バリバリ should probably be the head word since it is more common than ばりばり.  Its Googits(tm) outrank the current Headword 4 to 1!
(name)	Todd Faulkner
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 18:23:17 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	得る
(kana1)	うる
(kana3)	える
(pos1)	v5uru
(pos2)	aux-v
(english1)	(1) to get; to obtain; to gain; to acquire; to win; to catch; (same as eru)
(english2)	(2) (in the form ren'youkei + uru) to be possible;
(crossref)	得る (える)
Also see entry for える
(comment)	At the moment it is listed as "v5r". This is considered incorrect (e.g. people do not write うらない but えない for the negative form of うる). Since you do have a "v5uru" category, it should belong there ("modern" "shimo-nidan": え・え・うる・うる・うれ・えろ/えよ). える reading is accepted for 終止形 when used alone, but not when attached to 連用形 of another verb; 連体形 is うる. See える entry in the references.
Also it is worth mentioning that it also indicates possibility. I see a few separate entries of this type, but it's a general construction possible with many verbs.
(name)	Jackie
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 18:26:16 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	new
(headw1)	絶えず
(headw2)	たえず
(kana1)	たえず
(kana2)	たえず
(pos1)	exp
(english1)	alway, constantly, continually
(crossref)	  絶...
(reference)	Goo has たえず 絶えず:
all the time; always; continually; constantly; 《途切れなく》continuously; 《着々と》steadily.
(comment)	This is not in Kanji quick or in the kanji look up for the kanji 絶 besides not being in the dictionary.
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 18:45:06 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	已然形
(kana1)	いぜんけい
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(1) realis form;
(reference)	The dictionary entry for 已然形
(comment)	The current entry says 已然形 is an old name for the imperfective form, 未然形. This is very wrong; in fact 未然形 ("has not happened" / "realised" form; "irrealis") has never been the same form as 已然形 ("has happened" form), and almost serve opposite functions, but 已然形 is a form that is used in classical Japanese. 未然形 gives rise to hypothetical, future forms etc.; 已然形 gives rise to past tenses, as well as "係り結び" uses - very different things. However, the hypothetical form 仮定形 has inherited the forms of 已然形, but now serves a completely different function ("stealing" a function off the 未然形, so to speak).
(name)	Jackie
======= Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 18:46:29 +1000 (EST)
(subtype)	amend
(headw1)	已然形
(kana1)	いぜんけい
(pos1)	n
(english1)	(1) realis form;
(comment)	Sorry, that should have been an amendment.
(name)	Jackie