New Entries/Amendments for 2008-04-23

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 23 Apr.
Headword 1押し動かす
Reading 1おしうごかす
English 1carry so. along
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Kenkyusha has "push; wheel".

Headword 1オモニ
Reading 1オモニ
English 1(kor:) mother
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles issues 19-22
Google hits on オモニ 韓国: 151000
NameJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Don't put the same text in as headword and reading (i.e. follow the instructions.)

Current Entry振り(P);風 [ふり] /(n,vs) (1) swing/swinging/(2) (uk) show/appearance/pretence (pretense)/(3) lacking a reservation or introduction (at a restaurant, etc.)/(4) unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment/(P)/ (1361130)
Headword 1振り
Headword 2
Reading 1ふり
English 1(1) swing
English 2swinging
English 3(2) (uk) show
English 4appearance
English 5pretence (pretense)
English 6(3) lacking a reservation or introduction (at a restaurant, etc.)
English 7(4) unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment
Comment> could be added to the (new) sense (2), if deemed appropriate.

I meant (new) sense (3)
(See prev. submission)
NamePaul Blay
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry癲癇 [てんかん] /(n) epilepsy/epileptic fit/ (1569730)
Headword 1癲癇
Reading 1てんかん
English 1epilepsy
English 2epileptic fit
CommentFor what it' worth (and probably not very much), Eijiro treats this primarily as a (uk). With that said, I would never stand behind Eijiro as being "authoritative".
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment GG5 does too.

Current Entry委縮(P);萎縮 [いしゅく] /(adj-na,n) withering/atrophy/contraction/dwarf/(P)/ (1587220)
Headword 1委縮
Headword 2萎縮
Reading 1いしゅく
English 1withering
English 2atrophy
English 3contraction
English 4dwarf
CommentI checked Yahoo, Google and ALC online dictionaries, entering the primary reading of 委縮 as well as the kana. I found nothing. When I entered the second reading 萎縮, I came up with numerous entries.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment I guess some newspapers were/are using 委縮 because 委 is 常用漢字 and 萎 isn't. 萎縮 is far more common, so I've reversed the order and dropped the P on 委縮.

Current Entry息を呑む;息を飲む [いきをのむ] /(exp) to catch one's breath/ (2015880)
Headword 1息を呑む
Headword 2息を飲む
Reading 1いきをのむ
English 1(my) breath caught
English 2(it) took my breath away
Comment"to catch one's breath" is a (vt) type phrase, but although 息を呑む may look like a volitional phrase the situation it's used for is involuntary reaction (to a moving sight, event, etc.).

"To catch one's breath" sound like recovering after exertion.
NamePaul Blay
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1西序
Reading 1せいじょ
English 1Buddhist memorial rite for the approach of the western Buddhist sanctum lined up at the hall
ReferenceGoo: せいじょ 1 【西序】 禅宗寺院で、学徳に長じた者が占める職位。首座(しゆそ)以下の六頭首(ちようしゆ)のこと。また、その僧たちが法堂(はつとう)において並ぶ西側の位置。西班。
Yahoo: せい‐じょ【西序】 禅宗で、法要儀礼の際に、法堂(はっとう)・仏殿の西側に並ぶ者。首座(しゅそ)・書記・蔵主(ぞうす)などの六頭首(ちょうしゅ)のこと。
Super Daijirin.
CommentI am not 100% sure about my English meaning, so please verify.
NameJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment I can't really understand your version, and I'm not confident of doing a good translation from those or other refs. I have simplified yours a bit.

Current Entry共鳴 [きょうめい] /(n,vs) resonance/sympathy/(P)/ (1235190)
Headword 1共鳴
Reading 1きょうめい
English 1resonance
English 2sympathy
CommentI believe I would be inclined to delete "sympathy" as a rendering and qualify "resonance", the primary stand-out meaning with (math, science, sound, etc.). From personal bias, and I know Dr. Breen does not like anecdotal evidence, I would choose many other expressions besides 共鳴 to express "sympathy" in real-life usage.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Yes, shouldn't be used to mean the emotion of sympathy.

Headword 1突合
Reading 1とつごう
English 1matching, comparison (of data)
CommentUsed a lot in system development, especially in regard to data processing.
NameR. Andrews
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry気欝症 [きうつしょう] /(n) hypochondria/ (1932760)
Headword 1気欝症
Reading 1きうつしょう
English 1hypochondria
CommentI sure do think that this entry for "hypochondria" is best discarded. At most it would mean a kind of depression or melancholy. I don't find it elsewhere. Also, while on another pedantic kick the primary kanji are reversed:
気鬱; 気欝 【きうつ】 (adj-na,n) gloom; mental depression
気欝症 【きうつしょう】 (n) hypochondria
If you don't go blind first, you may see that 鬱 and 欝.
"気鬱; 気欝 【きうつ】 (adj-na,n) gloom; mental depression" is an OK rendering, though I believe quite useless. "気欝症 【きうつしょう】 (n) hypochondria" is, I believe, downright wrong and should be 心気症患.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Agreed. Wrong gloss for 気欝症. I have combined it with 気鬱症.

Headword 1両班
Reading 1りょうはん
Reading 2ヤンバン
Reading 3リャンバン
English 1zen buddhist preliminary introduction
English 2(s.kor:) aristocrat
English 3(n.kor:) aristocrat
Reference1) goo: 禅宗寺院で、東序と西序のこと。両序(りようじよ)。

2 & 3) Korean:両班
ヤンバン 韓国 gives ~26000 Google hits
リャンバン gives ~2900 Google hits
goo: 〔朝鮮語〕高麗・李氏朝鮮時代の官僚組織、また特権身分階級。李朝では、官僚は東班(文班)・西班(武班)の両班に分けられ、封建的土地所有を行なって常民・奴婢を支配した。ヤンパン。りょうはん。
CommentPlease double check the English meaning for the buddhist explanation.
NameJeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Needed splitting into two entries: 両班 [りょうはん] and 両班 [ヤンバン;リャンバン].

Current Entry枯れ葉(P);枯葉(P) [かれは] /(n) dead leaf/dry leaves/(P)/ (1590730)
Headword 1枯れ葉マーク
Headword 2枯葉マーク
Reading 1かれはマーク
English 1sticker for car drivers 70 years or older

And the old guy next to me on the train telling his friend how he has to add the 枯れ葉マーク to his car this year.
CommentThere are also many other names used for this mark including:
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1シティモール
English 1city mall
CommentThere appear to be a bunch of them, but I'm not sure if it is a general term, or a specific company name. So, possibly this should be in 'enamdict' not Edict.
NamePaul Blay
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry語彙 [ごい] /(n) vocabulary/glossary/(P)/ (1271260)
Headword 1語彙
Reading 1ごい
English 1vocabulary
English 2glossary
English 3 the totality of vocabulary used in a language, reagion, sphere of study, idiolect, etc.
Referenceyahoo online dictionary
1 ある言語、ある地域・分野、ある人、ある作品など、それぞれで使われる単語の総体。「―の豊富な人」「学習基本―」
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Well, that's what "vocabulary" means. I'll toss out glossary, and add: lexicon/lexis/terminology.