New Entries/Amendments for 2008-05-09

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 9 May.
Current Entry前提 [ぜんてい] /(n) preamble/premise/reason/prerequisite/(P)/ (1393680)
Headword 1前提
Reading 1ぜんてい
English 1preamble
English 2premise
English 3reason
English 4prerequisite
English 5condition
English 6assumption
Referenceyahoo online dictionary〔ことが成立するための条件〕

・ 私の名を表に出さないという前提で情報を提供することを承諾した
I consented to give information on condition that my name would not be used.

・ 我々は早期解決を前提として話し合いに入った
We entered into negotiations on the assumption that an early solution would be reached.

・ 彼らは結婚を前提として交際を始めた
They started dating with 「marriage in mind [a view to getting married].

前提条件|a precondition

・ そのクラブの入会には年収1千万円以上であることが前提条件であった
An annual income of more than ten million yen was a precondition for membership in that club.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1国民保健サービス
Reading 1こくみんほけんさーびす
English 1NHS Service (U.K)
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry先取り [さきどり] /(n,vs) (1) receiving in advance/taking before others/(2) {comp} prefetch/(P)/ (1387790)
Headword 1先取り
Reading 1さきどり
English 1(1) receiving in advance
English 2taking before others
English 3(2) {comp} prefetch
CommentI would suggest a one more reading without the kana of 先取り as 先取 occurs in several compounds (e.g. 先取特権), where the reading of 先取 is さきどり and not せんしゅ as in 先取 【せんしゅ】 (n,vs) earning the first (runs); preoccupation; (P)
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment According to 広辞宛 and GG5, 先取特権 is read せんしゅとっけん. Can you show any actual cases where 先取 (not 先取り) is used prenominally with the reading さきどり?

Current Entry先取特権 [せんしゅとっけん] /(n) prior right/ (1387810)
Headword 1先取特権
Reading 1せんしゅとっけん
English 1prior right
CommentI'm on shaky ground here, not knowing if 先取特権 includes "the right of first refusal" in property, etc. negotiation. What I do know is that "prior right" is another horrid choku-yaku and that "lien" (which I believe 先取特権 actually means) would should be included. I don't know British law such that those folks might have a different way of saying lien (tax lien, mechanic's lien, etc.)
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment The officila Japanese govt translation is "statutory lien", so I'll lead with that. GG5 has a range, including "preferential right".

Current Entry消費税 [しょうひぜい] /(n) consumption tax/(P)/ (1350320)
Headword 1消費税
Reading 1しょうひぜい
English 1consumption tax
CommentI really have a hard time understanding what "consumption tax" actually refers to. I can only conclude that it is more inclusive than the more specific 売上税 (which is Edict's rendering for "sales tax"). Possibly it's a UK term, here in the US we have so much taxation that we just say either "sales tax" or "tax" without making the tax on our cable TV, for exampe, more specific. The always reliable ALC/Eijiro (yes, I can be sarcastic) lists both 消費税 and 売上税 as "sales tax". But, then, ALC/Eijiro also translates "抵当" as "a monkey with a long tail".
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Yes, it includes sales tax, VAT, etc. GG5 includes excise dury in it. I'll expand the entry.

Headword 1裨益
Reading 1ひえき
English 1benefit(s)
Reference * 地域社会に裨益するような支援の提供を行う
provide support to benefit the local communities
* 貧困層への裨益を考慮する
consider benefits for the poor
Comment(often used in a social sense)
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry消費税 [しょうひぜい] /(n) consumption tax/(P)/ (1350320)
Headword 1消費税
Reading 1しょうひぜい
English 1consumption tax
CommentOK, I think I got it now. 消費税 refers to a tax on goods and services purchased by the consumer (end-user) and 売上税 refers to the "tax on earnings (sales, etc.) by a company". If that is so Edict's rendering of 売上税 as "sales tax" would be misleading at best.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment I think "sales tax" is a quite accurate translation of 売上税/売り上げ税. EDICT is in good company on this (GG5, etc.). The explanation in 広辞宛 matches what I regard as a "sales tax".

Current Entry据える [すえる] /(v1,vt) to set (table)/to lay (foundation)/to place (gun)/to apply (moxa)/(P)/ (1373480)
Headword 1据える
Reading 1すえる
English 1to place something (gun, tripod, dishes, etc.) so as to keep it from moving
English 2to lay (foundation), to errect a structure
English 3to fix a stern gaze upon something
English 4to assume a social position
English 5to seat accourding to rank
English 6to affix a seal, to apply a graft, to apply moxibustion
English 7to fix one's determination, to brace one's resolution
1 物を、ある場所に動かないように置く。「大砲を―・える」「三脚を―・える」
2 建造物などを設ける。「本陣を―・える」「関所を―・える」
3 位置を定めて人を座らせる。「上座に―・える」
4 ある地位や任務に就かせる。「部長に―・える」「見張りに―・える」
5 心をしっかりと居定まらせる。「度胸を―・える」「腹を―・える」
6 厳しい視線を置きつづける。「目を―・える」
7 灸(きゅう)をする。「灸を―・える」
8 捺印(なついん)する。「印を―・える」
9 鳥などを止まらせる。
10 植えつける。
Commentthere are so many definitions that I frankensteined them together.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment If you want to put multiple meanings on a line, use "/" as a separator. Also make sure of the spelling (e.g. "errect, accourding").
Most of your meanings depend on the context of those sentences. I've now broken it into 4 senses, along the line of GG5, with broader meanings.
Sense change.

Headword 1出版記念パーティー
Reading 1しゅっぱんきねんパーティー
English 1(book) launch party
Comment74,900 Google hits (Also 出版パーティー, 13,300 hits)
NamePaul Blay
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1勤務地
Reading 1きんむち
English 1duty station, place of business, work location
Nameashley smart
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Either put the meanings in successive lines in the form, or use "/" between them.

Headword 1急接近
Reading 1きゅうせっきん
English 1fast approach, when somebody get involved (usally sentimentally) with somebody else in matter of minutes
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1鳴かず飛ばず
Reading 1なかずとばず
English 1live in obscurity


Heard it here:
at 1:13: その後、jpopや歌謡曲のシングルをリリースしたものの、鳴かず飛ばず。下積みの時代が続いたのです。
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry塞がる(P);壅がる(oK) [ふさがる] /(v5r,vi) to be plugged up/to be shut up/(P)/ (1602570)
Headword 1塞がる
Headword 2壅がる
Reading 1ふさがる
English 1to be fouled/clogged/blocked/obstructed (eg pipes)
English 2to be occupied (eg a vancancy/door)
CommentIn all the examples on alc and in edict examples there isnt one that used the phrase "to be plugged up" or "to be shut up" they simply arent clear to the intent of usage or meaning of the word...

by the way alc doesnt use the kanji version of the word.. is the link auto can it be adjusted?
Nameashley smart
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Broke it into 3 senses. Sense change.

Headword 1下世話
Reading 1げせわ
English 1"juicy", as in a juicy story.
ReferenceWith regards to a letter, full of gossip:


Other examples at the ALC entry.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment