New Entries/Amendments for 2008-07-21

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 21 July.
Current Entry実 [じつ(P);じち] /(n) (1) truth/reality/(2) (じつ only) sincerity/honesty/fidelity/(3) (じつ only) content/substance/(4) (じつ only) (good) result/(P)/ (1320800)
Headword 1
Reading 1じつ
Reading 2じち
English 1(1) truth
English 2reality/true/real
English 3(2) (じつ only) sincerity
English 4honesty
English 5fidelity
English 6(3) (じつ only) content
English 7substance
English 8(4) (じつ only) (good) result
He's not really your father. Heh-heh.

I treated her as my own daughter.

She loves the boy as if he were her own child.

She loves the doll like her own sister.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1心を通わせる
Reading 1こころをかよわせる
English 1to establish an emotional bond with, to relate with
Reference# 〜と心を通わせる
reach out to

# 自分のおなかの中で育っていく赤ん坊と心を通わせる
relate to the baby as it grows in
# 音楽は人と心を通わせるための最高の方法の一つだ。
Music is one of the best ways to communicate.
# (that以下)の方法で(人)と心を通わせる
relate to someone in a way that
# (人)と心を通わせている
establish an emotional bond with
# (人)と音楽を通じて心を通わせる
communicate with someone through music
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1資格を有する
Headword 2資格を有します
Headword 3資格を有し、
Reading 1しかくをゆうする
Reading 2しかくをゆうします
Reading 3しかくをゆうし、
English 1To qualify
NameChris Vote
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Ref?

Headword 1日本語能力
Reading 1にほんごのうりょく
English 1Japanese language ability
Reference(7)日本語能力: 十分な日本語能力を必要とする研究分野
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Needed? 日本語 + 能力 is pretty regular.

Headword 1水分補給
Reading 1すいぶんほきゅう
English 1hydration, rehydration, to hydrate, to rehydrate, to moisturize
Reference * 水分補給
fluid replacement // replacement of fluid // water replacement
* 水分補給によって治療される
be treated with fluid replacement
* 水分補給をする
receive hydration
* 水分補給を受ける
receive fluid replacement // receive hydration
* 水分補給システム
hydration system
* 水分補給効果のある
* 水分補給状態
hydration status
* 水分補給状態の変化
altered hydration status
* 水分補給用飲料
rehydration solution
* スポーツドリンクは、適切な水分補給源です。
Sports drinks are good sources for rehydration.全文を表示する
* 人工的水分補給
artificial hydration
* 十分な水分補給
adequate hydration // good hydration
* 十分な水分補給を促進する
promote adequate hydration
* 十分な水分補給状態を保つ
stay well hydrated
* 子供が脱水症状になった時には安全に水分補給をしなさい。
Rehydrate your child safely when he is dehydrated.
* 点滴で水分補給する
be given fluids intravenously(主語に)
* 皮下注入による水分補給
hydration by hypodermoclysis
* 自分自身で水分補給する
* 裏のベランダにある植物に水あげるの忘れないでね。植物は自分で水分補給できるわけじゃないんだから。
Don't forget to water the plants at the back porch. They can't self-moisturize, you know.
* 適当な水分補給
proper hydration
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment If you put a verb form in as well, make it a new sense with the "vs" POS tag.

Headword 1段落
Reading 1だんらく
English 1(1) paragraph
English 2(2) end of a paragraph
Reference新英和中辞典 第6版 (研究社)

だんらく 段落
〈文章の〉 (the end of) a paragraph; 〈段階〉 a stage.


* 段落
paragraph // stage // turbine stage
* 段落の
* 段落の最初の文
the first sentence of a paragraph
* 段落の最後の行
break line
* 段落の終わり
paragraph end
* 段落の結尾
paragraph closure
* 段落の見出し
paragraph header
* 段落を文に分ける
divide a paragraph into sentences
* 段落を移動する
move paragraphs around
* 段落インデント
paragraph indent
* 段落名
paragraph name
* 段落構成
paragraph construction
* 段落記号
* 1段落程度にまとめた略歴
one-paragraph personal biography
* _月には〜の売れ行きが一段落する
Sales of ~ usually slow down in
* 「第三段落の辺りでよく分からなくなってしまいました」「もう少し分かりやすく説明した方がよさそうですね」
"You lost me in the third paragraph." "Maybe I should clarify a little more."
* よくまとまった段落
well-organized paragraph
* タグ付き段落
tagged paragraph《コ》
* 一段落したら
after [when] the dust settles
* 一段落する
be put to bed // be settled for the time being // complete the first stage // quiet down
* 一段落つける
settle a matter for the time being
* 下記の段落での記述を除いて
except as discussed [explained] in the following paragraph
* 前の段落
paragraph up《コ》
* 前の段落で
in the above paragraph
* 前段落で言及した事柄
the matters discussed in the preceding paragraph
* 前段落で言及した情報
the information discussed in the preceding paragraph
* 副段落
* 各段落の1行目をインデントする
indent the first line of each paragraph
* 呼気段落
breath group《音声》
* 実行用計算機段落
object-computer paragraph
* 最後の2〜3段落
final couple of paragraphs
* 最終段落
the last paragraph
* 本段落のいかなる内容も〜と解釈されてはならない
nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted [construed] as《法律》
* 本題から外れた段落
digressionary paragraph
* 次の段落
paragraph down《コ》
* 特殊名段落
special-names paragraph
* 現在の段落を新しいページにする
make the current paragraph start on a new page
* 私はその段落から不適切な三つの文を削除しました。
I deleted three irrelevant sentences from the paragraph.
* 第_段落の_行目
line __ of the __th paragraph
* 第一段落
first paragraph
* 翻訳用計算機段落
source-computer paragraph
* 長々と書かれた報告書を数段落に要約する
boil down the lengthy report to just a few paragraphs
* (人)が引っ越しが終わって一段落したら
after someone moves and settles in
* 〜の第1段落で
in the first paragraph of
* 〜を段落に分ける
CommentIt seems like this really means paragraph. The current definition is confusing and I couldn't find support for the meaning of "end, conclusion". Maybe the "conclusion" meaning came from 一段落?
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Sense change.

Headword 1意味段落
Reading 1いみだんらく
English 1logical paragraph (as opposed to a formal paragraph), segment of text expressing a single meaning
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1形式段落
Reading 1けいしきだんらく
English 1formal paragraph (in opposition to a logical paragraph), a paragraph as defined by its formal elements (line break and initial indentation)

here is the english definition of a paragraph for reference:
1. A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.
CommentBy the way, the terms "logical paragraph" and "formal paragraph" are of my own creation.
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Not that keen on "logical paragraph" and "formal paragraph" but I can't think of better terms.

Headword 1高学歴
Reading 1こうがくれき
English 1higher education
English 2highly educated
Reference * 高学歴によって高額所得者層の仲間入りをする。
Higher education leads to higher income group [brackets].
* 高学歴の
with high educational background
1. highly-educated
2. well-qualified
3. well-schooled
* 高学歴の両親
highly-educated parents
* 高学歴の両親を持つ子供
child with better-educated parents
* 高学歴の人々
highly-educated people
* 高学歴の人たち
the best and brightest〔学校の試験の成績は良かったが他の面で欠点があるという軽蔑的な言葉〕
* 高学歴キャリア女性
well-qualified female breadwinners
* 高学歴化
popularization of higher education
* 高学歴高収入高身長
high degree, high income and high height
* その背景としては、まず女性の高学歴化があげられる。
One reason behind this is the increase in the number of women going on to higher levels of education.全文を表示する
Commentsource: 1991 JLPT2
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry過現未 [かげんみ] /(n) present and future/three temporal states of existence/ (1865070)
Headword 1過現未
Reading 1かげんみ
English 1past, present and future
English 2three temporal states of existence
CommentI'm almost certain this is the more accurate rendering. I know 過 is used extensively as a past tense in Chinese, and I am pretty sure 過ぎる is used in some instances, though less often as the past. (日本へ行ったことがある。=我去過日本。) But I think it is intended to express the past in a general sense here.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1黒魔法
Reading 1くろまほう
English 1(ant: 白魔法) black magic
Comment127,000 Google hits (黒魔術 has 405,000)
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry白魔術 [しろまじゅつ] /(n) white magic/ (2251740)
Headword 1白魔術
Reading 1しろまじゅつ
English 1(See 白魔法) (ant: 黒魔術) white magic
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1白魔法
Reading 1しろまほう
English 1(ant: 黒魔法) white magic
Comment104,000 Google hits (白魔術 has 70,700)
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry触り [さわり] /(n) touch/feel/impression (of a person)/most impressive passage/punch line/ (1853210)
Headword 1触り
Reading 1さわり
English 1(1) feel/touch
English 2(2) impression (of a person)
English 3(3) most impressive passage
English 4punch line
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1草付き
Headword 2草付
Reading 1くさつき
English 1patch of plants or shrubs (e.g. on a steep rocky surface)
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry攀じる [よじる] /(?) UNKNOWN/RH/
Headword 1攀じる
Reading 1よじる
English 1(See よじ登る)
English 2to clamber (up)
English 3to scale

Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry下り [くだり] /(n,n-suf) down-train (going away from Tokyo)/(P)/ (1184370)
Headword 1下り
Reading 1くだり
English 1(1) down-train (going away from Tokyo)
English 2(2) down-slope
English 3downward going
Reference下り【くだり】 〔くだること〕下,下(坡). そこで道は下りになる

Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry通学路 [つうがくろ] /(?) UNKNOWN/RH/
Headword 1通学路
Reading 1つうがくろ
Reading 2つうがくじ
English 1school zone
English 2RH
ReferenceShogakukan gives the meaning 'School Zone'
CommentIt was not so much the meaning that I was searching for, rather the reading of the suffix 路. Your site give it as ろ in the above location. However, I wondered if it should be じ or じ as well as ろ because the search on your site for 路 seems to give じ as the predominate suffix. For the beginner, it is often difficult to get to the reading of many of the most common suffixes when only kanji are used; I guess that it because there is a presumption that the reading is obvious. P.S. Is there any chance of having your drop-down box for Part-of-speech for amendments in the same way as provided for new submissions?
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment GG5 has "school-commuting roads; a street for students going to and from school;". I'll see hat I can do a POS for amendments.

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Headword 1うながっぱ
English 1Type of maki (sushi roll) typically made from eel and cucumber
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