New Entries/Amendments for 2008-10-14

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 14 Oct.
Headword 1哲学博士
Reading 1てつがくはかせ
English 1doctor of philosophy
NameRichard Andrew Paredes
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry架橋(P);架け橋 [かきょう(架橋)(P);かけはし] /(n,vs) (See 橋架け) bridge building/cross-linking/(P)/ (1628300)
Headword 1架橋
Headword 2架け橋
Reading 1かきょう
Reading 2かけはし
English 1(See 橋架け) bridge building
English 2cross-linking
ReferenceSee below.
CommentWith regard to Rene Malenfant's submission on the above and the observation: "My personal opinion is that 架け橋 is an IME error there. It's pretty unusual for Japanese people to use okurigana in their names."
The location of the text to which I referred was the Japan Society's Newsletter [London] and the Japanese reading was: "架け橋琴アンサンブル" and the English translation was "Kakehashi Koto Ensemble." The leaders were Dr Ayako Hotto-Lister of London and Ms Kazuko Tsuchiya of Japan. The background seems to be Japanese, but beyond that I have no further information so I defer to Rene's expertise.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment "Bridge-Building Koto Ensemble"? I agree with Rene that 架け橋 is unlikely to be a family name.

Headword 1男女共学
Reading 1だんじょきょうがく
English 1Co-education
English 2Co-educational school
NameAlex Wheeler
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry伺う [うかがう] /(v5u,vt) (1) (hum) to visit/to ask/to inquire/to hear/to be told/(v5u) (2) to implore (a god for an oracle)/to seek direction (from your superior)/(3) (hum) to visit/(4) (from 御機嫌を伺う) to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)/(P)/ (1305700)
Headword 1伺う
Reading 1うかがう
English 1(1) (hum) to visit
English 2to ask
English 3to inquire
English 4to hear
English 5to be told
English 6(v5u) (2) to implore (a god for an oracle)
English 7to seek direction (from your superior)
English 8(3) (hum) to visit
English 9(4) (from 御機嫌を伺う) to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)
CommentWhy is "to visit" both in sense 1 and 3? Shouldn't it be dropped from 1?
NameJeroen Hoek
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Sense 3 was supposed to have a "vi" PoS, which I omitted.

Current Entry由来を尋ねる [ゆらいをたずねる] /(exp) to inquire into the origin/ (1914230)
Headword 1由来を尋ねる
Reading 1ゆらいをたずねる
English 1reason
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment ???

Current Entry緒に就く [しょにつく] /(exp) to be started/to get underway/ (1882300)
Headword 1緒に就く
Headword 2緒につく
Reading 1しょにつく
English 1to be started
English 2to get underway
CommentExtra headword. Gets a fair amount of hits as 緒につく and 緒についた.
NameJeroen Hoek
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry国立環境研究所 [こくりつかんきょうけんきゅうじょ] /(p) National Institute for Environment Studies/NA/
Headword 1国立環境研究所
Reading 1こくりつかんきょうけんきゅうじょ
English 1National Institute for Environment Studies
English 2NA
Comment国立環境研究所 is listed as both "National Institute for Environment Studies" and "National Institute for Environmental Studies." However, only the second version is correct. Please delete the first listing.
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Environment -> Environmental. The correct one was in the "riverwater" file.

種蒔き has been an entry for a long time. Added 種まき & 種蒔.
Headword 1種まき
Headword 2種蒔き
Headword 3種蒔
Reading 1たねまき
English 1sowing (planting) seeds
English 2scattering seeds
ReferenceYahoo!辞書 イメージ検索腮障&btnG=ゃ<若御膣
Commentif a student doesn't know 蒔く it can be hard to figure this one out
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry辛い [つらい] /(adj-i) painful/bitter/heart-breaking/(P)/ (1365860)
Headword 1辛い
Reading 1つらい
English 1painful
English 2bitter
English 3heart-breaking
Tanaka corpus example sentences
CommentThis might be a good candidate for (uk) based on the usage in the example sentences and ALC. ALC links the つらい reading for 辛い with a "辛い→つらい" redirect.

Of course, based on gut-feeling, observed usage and personal preference as well, but that's hard to reference and not always correct. Of course in this case, 辛い is bound to be more popular in the Googits and (P)-marker counts due to からい often being written like that.

(I find (uk) tags and such to be very helpful when using Edict to learn new words or find out more about how certain kanji are used)
NameJeroen Hoek
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Yes, very hard to pin down the "uk" on this.