New Entries/Amendments for 2008-11-01

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 1 Nov.

Current Entry数年来 [すうねんらい] /(?) ???/RH/
Headword 1数年来
Reading 1すうねんらい
English 1several years standing
English 2long history
ReferenceSee below.
CommentI was searching for the above and got your RH entry.

The first two kanji and the last two kanji are covered in all my references, but not the combination of the three.

The part of the text which I was reading was this: '数年来筆者は、' so I guess that the intended meaning is 'With regard to a writer of several years standing ....'

In the context of the above and what follows, I am not quite sure what 'IME' data is [reference your comment 'Bear in mind the revhenkan file is from IME data.'

Perhaps the following represent the 'IME' aspect:-
三十数年 【さんじゅうすうねん】 (?) ???; RH.
十数年 【じゅうすうねん】 (?) ???; RH.

However, there are a lot of useful combinations in the RH entries of which '数年来' above is just one.
For example:-
後数年 【あとすうねん】 (?) ???; RH.
過去数年 【かこすうねん】 (?) ???; RH.
複数年 【ふくすうねん】 (?) ???; RH.
過去数年間 【かこすうねんかん】 (?) ???; RH.

The following indicates that the quoted RH is now obsolete and, in any event, it is not complete in the reading.
数年間 【すうねん】 (?) ???; RH.
数年間 【すうねんかん】 (n) several years.

I hope that is helpful, but maybe I have not yet understood the context of 'IME'
Other language optioneng
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment The IME files often contain guesses. For example 数日間 is すうじつかん, but IMEs will sometimes recognize すうにちかん, even though it's not correct.

Headword 1幾室
Reading 1いくしつ
English 1several rooms
ReferenceSee below.
CommentI appreciate that 幾 is a prefix for many things, but I do not know whether is prefixes 'しつ' or 'むろ'.

Of course, as time goes by, it becomes easier to tell whether I am reading about a 'greenhouse' or 'a room', but with such options around, the beginner is left to wonder. Equally, of course, perhaps the combination can only possibly be 'いくしつ', in which case, how would one know that, unless seeing the above combination on your site because I cannot find the combination in any of my own reference books?
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment And 幾室 could be several greenhouses. I don't think 幾室 is common enough.

Headword 1着袴
Reading 1ちゃっこ
English 1ceremony of fitting child with a hakama (man's formal divided skirt)
ReferenceIwanami Kōjien Japanese dictionary
CommentSee also 袴着 (hakamagi), word in which characters are reversed and which means the same thing.
NameFrank Baldessari
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry図工室 [ずこうしつ] /(?) ???/RH/
Headword 1図工室
Reading 1ずこうしつ
English 1drawing and manual arts (arts and craft) room
English 2RH
Other language optioneng
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry貧乏揺すり [びんぼうゆすり] /(n) shaking or tapping (i.e. one's foot) unconsciously/ (1490950)
Headword 1貧乏揺すり
Headword 2貧乏ゆすり
Reading 1びんぼうゆすり
Reading 2びんぼうゆすり
English 1shaking or tapping (i.e. one's foot) unconsciously
ReferenceGoogle gives the second form a 5:1 lead
Other language optioneng
NameKen Y-N
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

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Headword 1縁内障
Reading 1りょくないしょう
English 1glaucoma
CommentHad trouble finding this, and once I did, I was surprised it wasn't in the dictionary
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Typo for 緑内障 (which is an entry.)

Headword 1阿闍梨
Reading 1あじゃり
Reading 2あざり
English 1From the Sanskrit Acharya, a Buddhist priest or monk worthy of being held as a model
ReferenceIwanami Kojien
NameFrank Baldessari
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1市役所通
Reading 1しやくしょどおり
English 1common street name meaning "town hall street"
CommentMy reason for this suggested amendment: the current gloss is "Shiyakushodoori (p) NA" which does not provide any information that the kana reading would not already provide.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment