New Entries/Amendments for 2008-12-06

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 6 Dec.
Current Entryフリーマーケット(P);フリーマケット /(n) free market/(P)/ (1111900)
Headword 1フリーマーケット
Headword 2フリーマケット
English 1flea market
Other language optioneng
NameChristophe Louargant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Wonderful!

Headword 1農学者
Reading 1のうがくしゃ
CommentThis just had a ?, so I put in the reading.
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment A better way to do that is to bring up the 農学者 entry in the combined file and turn it into a new entry for EDICT.

Headword 1なの
English 1it is
ReferenceSee below.
CommentIn NHK on-line Japanese, the commentator says that this is a female term which is the equivalent of 'です'.

For example: '今日は、無理なの' which has the meaning 'With regard to today, it is impossible [i.e., in answer to a request, it is impossible (unreasonable, etc.) to do the thing requested.]
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment I'll say "feminine copula" rather than get into arguments about whether it really means "it is".

Headword 1化学構造式
Reading 1かがくこうぞうしき
English 1chemical structural formula
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

You mean there's still hope for me? What about 61?
Headword 1カレセン
Headword 2枯れ専
Reading 1かれせん
English 1men of 50-60 years old who are attractive for 30 years old women
English 2(from 枯れたおじいさん専門
Commentmore funny expressions:
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entryのどに詰まる [のどにつまる] /stick in one's throat (gullet)/WI1/
Headword 1のどに詰まる
Reading 1のどにつまる
English 1to stick in one's throat
English 2to choke on something
ReferencePromoting from WI. Lots of Eijiro examples.
Other language optioneng
NameJim Breen
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1枯れ専
Reading 1かれせん
Reading 2カレセン
English 1younger woman (usu. 20-30 years old) who is sexually attracted to mature older men (usu. 50-60 years old)
Commentif i'm not mistaken, all of these 〜専 words refer to people who are exclusively attracted to someone with the quality in question. they don't refer to the target of desire. e.g. デブ専 = "chubby chaser", etc. so this refers to the women, not the men

re-submitted as new
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment I retained the "(from 枯れたおじいさん専門)".

Current Entryでぶせん;デブセン /(n) person physically attracted to fat people/ (2101210)
Headword 1でぶせん
Headword 2デブセン
English 1person physically attracted to fat people
Commentspeaking of which

i guess this can be deleted, since there's already:
でぶ専; デブ専 【でぶせん(でぶ専); デブせん(デブ専)】 (n) (sl) chubby-chasing (fat fetishism) [G][GI][S][A][W] [G][GI][S][A][W]
Other language optioneng
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entryでぶ専;デブ専 [でぶせん(でぶ専);デブせん(デブ専)] /(n) (sl) chubby-chasing (fat fetishism)/ (2116830)
Headword 1でぶ専
Headword 2デブ専
Reading 1でぶせん
Reading 2デブせん
English 1(sl) chubby-chasing (fat fetishism)
English 2chubby-chaser
Other language optioneng
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry嫌いが在る;嫌いがある [きらいがある] /(exp) to have a tendency to/to have concern that/ (2181900)
Headword 1嫌いが在る
Headword 2嫌いがある
Reading 1きらいがある
English 1to have a tendency to
English 2to have concern that
ReferenceGoogits, minus hits matching "好き嫌い" and "すききらい":
嫌いがある vs きらいがある
~50.000 : ~130.000 (1:2½)
JLPT exams and referencing materials uses きらいがある.
Comment(uk) candidate?
Other language optioneng
NameJeroen Hoek
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry即する [そくする] /(vs-s,vi) to conform to/to agree with/to be adapted to/to be based on/(P)/ (1404090)
Headword 1即する
Headword 2則する
Reading 1そくする
English 1to conform to
English 2to agree with
English 3to be adapted to
English 4to be based on
ReferenceThe study book 「完全マスター・日本語能力試験文法問題対策」 uses both に則して and に即した in the example sentences for にそくして/にそくした.

ALC has:
# 厳しい選考基準に則する
meet the stringent criteria for selection

Both kanji are possible for すなわち as well.
CommentGoogling brings up lots of references to both kanji as well. At one point someone cites the Kōjien which gives roughly the same meanings as the English meanings we have here. Could you confirm that? (I don't have the Kōjien on my bookshelf yet)
Other language optioneng
NameJeroen Hoek
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Koujien and Daijirin separate them and give slightly diferet meanings, e.g. Koujien:
即する: ぴったりとつく。即応する。
則する: あるものを規準として、それに従う。のっとる。
即する: 離れないで,ぴったりとつく。ぴったりとあてはまる。
則する: ある事を基準として,それに従う。手本にする。
I suspect most people regard that as the same. GG5 only has 即する.