New Entries/Amendments for 2009-01-10

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 12 Jan.
Headword 1気さえする
Reading 1きさえする
English 1it is even nervous (like)
ReferenceSee below.
CommentI cannot find any help for the above expression, save for individual words; but 気さえする gets over 80,000 hits on Google and 気さえしました [see below] comes up with nearly 14,000 hits.

The text which I was reading was this: "手を広げたらそのまま何処かへ飛んで行ってしまいそうな気さえしました。"

The context was about taking a photo on a severely windy day up in the mountains.

My tentative meaning for the headword is less precise than the meaning I have read into the total expression.

For a novice, it would help to include such a headword along with other similar entries already on the site. I have search around the site so I am hoping that you will not be saying it has been there for ever.
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment See later discussion.

Current Entryヌードル /(n) noodle/(P)/ (1092250)
Headword 1ヌードル
English 1(1) noodle
English 2(2) (See ヌード,アイドル) (abbr) (sl) nude idol
Other language optioneng
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment The mind boggles.

Current Entry気がする [きがする] /(exp) (1) to have a hunch/(2) to have a certain mood or feeling/ (1221540)
Headword 1気がする
Reading 1きがする
English 1(1) to have a hunch
English 2(2) to have a certain mood or feeling
Commentin your sentence, "気さえする" is just a more emphatic way of stating the above (esp. the 2nd sense, although i don't know that two senses are really different enough to warrant separation).

"[The wind was so strong that] it felt like I would fly away if I spread my arms."

さえ version is not a necessary entry, IMO. Maybe a good example sentence, though.
Other language optioneng
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Yes, some good examples would help.

Current Entry気がする [きがする] /(exp) (1) to have a hunch/(2) to have a certain mood or feeling/ (1221540)
Headword 1気がする
Reading 1きがする
English 1(1) to have a hunch
English 2(2) to have a certain mood or feeling
Commentbtw, if these are kept separate, i think the mood/feeling sense should be first. (e.g. almost every example sentence in the tanaka corpus has this translated as 'i get the feeling that ...' or 'it feels ...')
Other language optioneng
NameRene Malenfant
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Combined them and reversed the order.

Headword 1貧乏揺すり
Headword 2貧乏ゆすり
Reading 1びんぼうゆすり
English 1fidgeting (esp. of the legs)
NameAndy Hare
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment Already an entry.

Headword 1コップ酒
Reading 1コップざけ
English 1sake sold in a cup rather than a bottle
English 2drinking sake from a regular-size cup rather than from a small sake cup
NameRichard Warmington
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry流石 [さすが] /(adj-na,adv,n,adj-no) (uk) clever/adept/good/expectations/as one would expect/(P)/ (1552390)
Headword 1流石
Reading 1さすが
English 1(uk) clever
English 2adept
English 3good
English 4expectations
English 5as one would expect
English 6just like (someone)
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment