New Entries/Amendments for 2009-11-20

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 20 Nov.
Headword 1書いとく
Reading 1かいとく
English 1to write down
ReferenceSee below.
CommentRoy Miller at 54(12) states that this equals "書いておく[書いて置く]".

I do not know how obsolete this may be, but Google shows up some 150k hits. Perhaps it is worth an entry and also a cross-reference.
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment See below.

Current Entry知らず知らず(P);知らず識らず;不知不識 [しらずしらず] /(adv) unconsciously/unwittingly/unawares/(P)/ (1609970)
Headword 1知らず知らず
Headword 2知らず識らず
Headword 3不知不識
Reading 1しらずしらず
English 1unconsciously
English 2unwittingly
English 3unawares
ReferenceSee below.
CommentJust a query. I am wondering whether the 3rd Headword carries the same reading. It may well do, but it does not come up in any of my references. I do get "不知 [ふち]", but that is all.

I thought that I would make the submission whilst searching for the main headword (which I had searched in order to see if "知らず識らず" was included because that came up in some text I was looking at).
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment See below.

Current Entry空蝉 [うつせみ] /(n) (1) cicada/cast-off cicada shell/(2) man of this world/the real world/temporal things/ (1676230)
Headword 1空蝉
Reading 1うつせみ
English 1(1) cicada
English 2cast-off cicada shell
English 3molted cicada
English 4(2) man of this world
English 5the real world
English 6temporal things
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Any ref? My sources say it's the shell; not the (newly) moulted cicada.

Headword 1書いとく
Reading 1かいとく
CommentThis is a common colloquialism and can be formed for any -teoku form. Not dictionary material. Recommend against inclusion.

(v-te + oku is a common grammatical form, please refer to for further information.)
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment I take the point about it being a contraction of 書いておく, but given that it's not uncommon I'm inclined to include it. I've added a not about its derivation.

Current Entry知らず知らず(P);知らず識らず;不知不識 [しらずしらず] /(adv) unconsciously/unwittingly/unawares/(P)/ (1609970)
Headword 1知らず知らず
Headword 2知らず識らず
Headword 3不知不識
Reading 1しらずしらず
English 1unconsciously
English 2unwittingly
English 3unawares
CommentFrancis questioned the reading of 不知不識. 広辞苑 has:


大辞林 has just 知らず識らず and GG5 just
Other language optioneng
NameJim Breen
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entryブラッシー /(n) (1) brassie (type of golf club)/brassy/brassey/(adj-f) (2) brushy/(P)/ (1113990)
Headword 1ブラッシー
English 1(1) brassie (type of golf club)
English 2brassy
English 3brassey
English 4(adj-f) (2) brushy
CommentIt's just that I saw this word show up on the diff file (, along with several others and I wondered where they came from.
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1ずらずら
English 1continuing without pause or interruption
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry糞味噌 [くそみそ] /(adj-na,n) (uk) sweeping denunciation/ (1823010)
Headword 1糞味噌
Headword 1クソ味噌 
Headword 2糞ミソ
Headword 3クソミソ
Reading 1くそみそ
English 1(1 adj) harsh
English 1severe (e.g., criticism, verbal attack)
English 2(2 n) jumble
English 3mess
English 4(uk) sweeping denunciation
Reference1) Definition and usage samples of the term (both n and adj, or rather, adv):
2), 3) See under my entry for みそくそ (following this one), to which this one
should also be crosslinked. m(_ _)m
CommentWhen doing a search you will notice that this expression appears in any
conceivable combination of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and so i would like
to suggest that all of the forms should be in the database (at least in the
"text glossing database"), so as to return something useful regardless of
which of those character combination appears in the text being processed
(the currently available "ミソハギ (n) (uk) Lythrum anceps (species of
loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria); ED [Partial
Match!]" is a bit off, isn't it? ;-)

Here are the raw Googits for the 7 available forms (including the forms i
entered into the 4 available "headword" fields ;-)
糞味噌   27800
クソ味噌   6200
くそ味噌   1300
糞ミソ    9700
糞みそ    4500
クソミソ  50000
くそみそ 223000
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1味噌糞
Headword 2ミソ糞
Headword 3味噌クソ
Headword 4ミソクソ
Reading 1みそくそ
English 1(1 adj) harsh
English 2severe (e.g., criticism, verbal attack)
English 3(2 n) jumble
English 4mess
Reference1) Definition and usage samples of the term (both n and adj, or rather, adv):
2) 大辞林 usage samples (adv)帥/
3) Weblio defines it as めちゃくちゃ (and i think a cross reference to that is called for):帥
CommentExactly like with みそくそ you will notice that this expression appears in any of the meaningful combinations of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and so i would like to suggest here, as well, that all of the forms should be in the database (at least in the "text glossing database" - the currently offered "ミソハギ (n) (uk) Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria); ED [Partial Match!]" is just a bit off, isn't it? ;-)

Raw Googits for the 7 reasonable forms:
味噌糞    5700
ミソ糞    1500
味噌クソ   5400
みそ糞     500
味噌くそ   2800
ミソクソ  21000
みそくそ  12000
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1味噌糞
Headword 2ミソ糞
Headword 3味噌クソ
Headword 4ミソクソ
Reading 1みそくそ
English 1(1 adj) harsh
English 2severe (e.g., criticism, verbal attack)
English 3(2 n) jumble
English 4mess
Reference1) Definition and usage samples of the term (both n and adj, or rather, adv):
2) 大辞林 usage samples (adv)帥/
3) Weblio defines it as めちゃくちゃ (and i think a cross reference to that is called for):帥
CommentExactly like with みそくそ you will notice that this expression appears in any of the meaningful combinations of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and so i would like to suggest here, as well, that all of the forms should be in the database (at least in the "text glossing database" - the currently offered "ミソハギ (n) (uk) Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria); ED [Partial Match!]" is just a bit off, isn't it? ;-)

Raw Googits for the 7 reasonable forms:
味噌糞    5700
ミソ糞    1500
味噌クソ   5400
みそ糞     500
味噌くそ   2800
ミソクソ  21000
みそくそ  12000
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1味噌糞
Headword 2ミソ糞
Headword 3味噌クソ
Headword 4ミソクソ
Reading 1みそくそ
English 1(1 adj) harsh
English 2severe (e.g., criticism, verbal attack)
English 3(2 n) jumble
English 4mess
Reference1) Definition and usage samples of the term (both n and adj, or rather, adv):
2) 大辞林 usage samples (adv)帥/
3) Weblio defines it as めちゃくちゃ (and i think a cross reference to that is called for):帥
CommentExactly like with みそくそ you will notice that this expression appears in any of the meaningful combinations of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and so i would like to suggest here, as well, that all of the forms should be in the database (at least in the "text glossing database" - the currently offered "ミソハギ (n) (uk) Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria); ED [Partial Match!]" is just a bit off, isn't it? ;-)

Raw Googits for the 7 reasonable forms:
味噌糞    5700
ミソ糞    1500
味噌クソ   5400
みそ糞     500
味噌くそ   2800
ミソクソ  21000
みそくそ  12000
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1味噌糞
Headword 2ミソ糞
Headword 3味噌クソ
Headword 4ミソクソ
Reading 1みそくそ
English 1(1 adj) harsh
English 2severe (e.g., criticism, verbal attack)
English 3(2 n) jumble
English 4mess
Reference1) Definition and usage samples of the term (both n and adj, or rather, adv):
2) 大辞林 usage samples (adv)帥/
3) Weblio defines it as めちゃくちゃ (and i think a cross reference to that is called for):帥
CommentExactly like with みそくそ you will notice that this expression appears in any of the meaningful combinations of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and so i would like to suggest here, as well, that all of the forms should be in the database (at least in the "text glossing database" - the currently offered "ミソハギ (n) (uk) Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria); ED [Partial Match!]" is just a bit off, isn't it? ;-)

Raw Googits for the 7 reasonable forms:
味噌糞    5700
ミソ糞    1500
味噌クソ   5400
みそ糞     500
味噌くそ   2800
ミソクソ  21000
みそくそ  12000
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1味噌糞
Reading 1みそくそ
English 1see comment section below
CommentHi, this is just to send a follow-up note that i noticed, after posting the previous entries, that the interface automatically translated the code in the reference URLs into Japanese characters encoded in UTF while the rest of the submission is encoded in EUC-JP. There is nothing i can do about this... sorry...
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment I can't do much either. I can cope with it.

Current Entry宜蘭 [ぎらん] (p) Yilan, Ilan (province and city in Taiwan)
Headword 1宜蘭
Reading 1ぎらん
English 1Yilan, Ilan, Gilan (province and city in Taiwan)

I just found confirmed that the sound "Gilan" is not only Japanese but also
what many of the locals say - specifically, those who speak 台湾語. ("Ilan" is
the Wade-Giles reading and "Yilan" the Hanyu Pinyin reading.)
(For a definition of 台湾語 see
CommentOn November 6, Jim asked:
"Did you mean to duplicate the kanji part?"
I didn't mean to, but i think it came out that way in the UTF to EUC
conversion. There are two slightly kanji, one of which is called a "Unicode
compatibility variant". The second kanji is not needed in the entry i
submitted, since it is not used in Japanese, but FYI you may want to look at
the reference page i have hoisted at
- if you copy those two kanji successively and plug them into (with the setting "traditional
Chinese") you will get two slightly different explanations...
Other language optioneng
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment That second kanji can be seen at Yes, it was converted in your browser to be the same as 蘭.

Headword 1属名
Reading 1ぞくめい
English 1generic name (business)
English 2genus name (taxonomy)
NameAgro Rachmatullah
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Headword 1黒紫色
Reading 1こくししょく
English 1dark purple
NameAgro Rachmatullah
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entryブラッシー /(n) (1) brassie (type of golf club)/brassy/brassey/(adj-f) (2) brushy/(P)/ (1113990)
Headword 1ブラッシー
English 1(1) brassie (type of golf club)
English 2brassy
English 3brassey
English 4(adj-f) (2) brushy
CommentOK, it happened like this. I ran a spell-checker over the
words in edict2, and eye-balled them (I ran out of energy in the b's.) I saw "brassie", thought it looked odd, and checked it. Based on what I found, I extended the meanings. It was
just me fiddling. I corrected quite a few spelling while I was at it, but it's a thankless task - there is a huge
number of unique words.
Other language optioneng
NameJim Breen
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment