New Entries/Amendments for 2009-12-08

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 8 Dec.
Headword 1おかしする
Reading 1おかしする
English 1to rent (to someone)
English 2to loan

"The Complete Japanese Verb Guide"
By Hiroo Japanese Center

page 115

CommentNot sure if I did this right, and also couldn't find any kanji for it (though there may be some)
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment I think this is just a polite form of 貸す.

Headword 1がね
English 1(positive sentence end) I dare say
English 2(negative sentence end) though, honestly
ReferenceSee below.
CommentWith reference to 2009-11-13 and my submission for "たの", you expressed the following observation:-

"BTW, a good entry for がね would be welcome."

In "Japanese for Today [23rd impression]", edited by Professor 吉田弥寿夫 [大阪大学 of Foreign Studies], it gives the above meanings. The first meaning at p. 323(25). The second meaning, by implication, at p. 318, para. 3.

With regard to my submission on 2009-12-03 for "飛んで火に入る夏の虫" and your comment "I try and avoid over-literal translations, such as 'summer insect'."

I quite understand your feelings on the concept of over-literal translations. Indeed, the main submission, above, is a case in point where a literal translation would not really give the Japanese flavour of meaning, which could then be translated. Nevertheless, when I read some text books and dictionaries, it seems to me that the novice just does not stand a chance of getting to a real understanding, i.e., because the resulting idiomatic expression in English is based simply upon an idiomatic expression in Japanese [fortunately, we do not seem to suffer as much from that problem the other way round because English dictionaries deal predominantly with individual words as they are; the idiomatic expressions are usually incidental to the main meaning]. In this context, I am also bound to accept that each of the parts of this sentence are covered individually on your own site and I agree that, ultimately, it is all a matter of degree. However, in the context of the moth and "飛んで火に
る夏の虫", I have also seen text which states, "がは灯に集まる". This obviously is specific to moths. So, perhaps, my point is this: if an English speaker wanted, in general, to say "that summer insects fly into the fire" and if that English speaker wanted to translate that into Japanese, that person may conclude that "飛んで火に入る夏の虫" would not be suitable because it is only to be used for moths. That English speaker may then conclude that another sentence with different words and sentence structure would be required in order not to confuse the Japanese listener. As for me, I cannot find any other way of referring generally to "summer insects" which may fly into a fire. Mind you, it is my impression that summer insects do not actually fly into the fire, they seem prudent enough to keep a safe distance; otherwise, by now, there would be none of them left!
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Headword 1かぴかぴ
Headword 2カピカピ
English 1crusty
English 2flaky
English 3dried out
Referenceご飯を炊飯器に入れっぱなしにしておいたらカピカピになってしまった。I left the rice in the cooker for a long time and it became dry and crusty.
NameJoe Cortez
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current EntryTGV [テジェヴェ] /TGV/Train a Grande Vittese/
Headword 1TGV
Reading 1テジェヴェ
English 1TGV (fre:Train a Grande Vitesse)
English 2high-speed train
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry蠟燭 [ろうそく] /(n) candle/ (9002090)
Headword 1蠟燭
Reading 1ろうそく
English 1candle
Commentmerge with 蝋燭.
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment Can't do that at present. With my present system I keep the non-JIS208 kanji apart.