New Entries/Amendments for 2010-02-07

These are the submissions received via the WWW forms for this day. I (Jim Breen) will annotate the submission if I think it needs to be amended or rejected or if I have a question about it. Otherwise it can be assumed that it has been accepted. You can see how it will look in EDICT by looking at the "diffs" file for this day or the next in the diffs directory.
Annotations completed: 8 Feb (no comments)

Current Entry中廊下 [なかろうか] /(?) ???/RH/
Headword 1中廊下
Reading 1なかろうか
English 1central corridor
English 2middle corridor
ReferenceSee below.
CommentThis gets over 80K Google hits. Perhaps it could be promoted and the following #WII deleted. At least, the novice would know that the "中" is "なか" and not "ちゅう"; assuming, of course, that "なか" is correct, and I have no reason to believe that it is not. However, I shall await to see if your experts come in with comment; as they did with "前" and the like.

中廊下 【なかろうか】 (n) central corridor; double-load corridor; middle corridor; WI1

I was actually searching for parts of a string making up "現れているのではなかろうか。" and the above headword came up so I thought that I would make the submission. As yet, I am still hoping to deal with my original search.
Other language optioneng
Submission Typenew
Editorial Comment

Current Entry怠惰(P);怠情(iK) [たいだ] /(adj-na,n) laziness/idleness/(P)/ (1410730)
Headword 1怠惰
Headword 2怠情
Reading 1たいだ
English 1laziness
English 2idleness
English 3sloth
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment

Current Entry嫉妬 [しっと] /(n,vs) jealousy/(P)/ (1320280)
Headword 1嫉妬
Reading 1しっと
English 1jealousy
English 2envy
Other language optioneng
Submission Typeamend
Editorial Comment